Optitude PX3 – Re-Thinking HR

A holistic approach to developing your unique Company Culture and your People.

Whether you need help with a discreet HR project requiring an extra pair of hands or need assistance with something more significant, Optitude PX3 has access to an exciting network of similarly-minded partner HR associates and business experts.

Optitude PX3 is led by Kim Walsh, who has over 25 years of business experience in HR, working across multiple sectors, including Financial Services (Insurance and Money Transfer), Pharma, Retail, FMCG Manufacturing, and the Oil and Gas Industry.

At the heart of Optitude PX3 is the belief that Company Culture is the pulse of an organisation and sets the beat for everything that happens in the workplace.

Optitude PX3 believe that the best way to ensure that your Culture delivers its promise is by taking a holistic approach ensuring that all elements are aligned and congruent.

Articulating the values, attitudes, behaviours and standards expected is not enough to win hearts and minds – you have to have leaders, at all levels, fully engaged and role modelling the required behaviours.


Whether you are thinking about doing away with traditional methods of measuring and rewarding performance, or looking for ideas and approaches to introduce or revitalise your system Optitude PX3 is here to help.

Optitude PX3 has years of experience in designing and developing successful Onboarding approaches that provide engagement, clarity and consistency to the new hire, ensuring roles and responsibilities are well understood and communicated across the Organisation with accountability clearly understood and owned.

Professional HR Consultancy

Performance Management

All learning should be seen as developmental and fit for today’s workforce of 5 generations, that’s engaging to the learner, irrespective of learning style.

Optitude PX3 provide flexible and cost effective L&D solutions.

Learning and Development

At Optitude PX3 we think leading others starts with learning to lead yourself. Whatever stage your organisation is at in identifying and developing your leaders of tomorrow, a chat with us can show how we might be able to accelerate your journey along the leadership road.

  • Succession Planning – putting a system in place that having identified your pipeline of talent, nurtures, mentors, develops and internally promotes in a way that is transparent and understood by all.
  • Performance Coaching – supporting managers in developing their personal coaching skills to increase performance in those they manage.

Leadership Development

  • MentoringOptitude PX3 has years of experience in setting up ‘in-house’ mentoring programmes, as well as providing individual mentoring support for ‘up and coming talent’.
  • Employee Engagement – The vast majority of business leaders know that an engaged and motivated workforce is a positive thing. We can help you build a motivated and happy workforce.

Creating systems that recognise talent

For any business or organisation your team is your biggest asset, which is why it’s important that you invest in them. Optitude PX3 provide a range of services that can keep your staff engaged and your organisation growing.